Updated 23/02/2022
Areas of specialisation and competence
Area of Specialisation: Ancient Philosophy, Greek Literature
Areas of Competence: Ethics, Aesthetics, Metaphysics
2020-present University of Wollongong
School of Liberal Arts
2016-2019. Durham University
Junior Research Fellow
The Department of Ancient History and Classics
Project Title: Immortality in the Symposium: Plato's Appropriation of Established Traditions
of Post-Mortem Fate
2011-2015 The University of Sydney
PhD, Department of Philosophy
Title: The Memory of Virtue: Immortality and Kleos in Plato's Symposium
Supervisors: Prof. Rick Benitez, Prof. Paul Thom, Prof. Julia Kindt
Examiners: Prof. Catherine Collobert (Ottawa), Prof. Gerard Nadday (York), Prof. Gabriel
Richardson Lear (Chicago)2008-2010 The University of Sydney
MPhil, Department of Philosophy
Title: The Rites of Love: A Discussion of Platonic Eros with particular reference to the Scala
Amoris passage of Plato's Symposium
Supervisors: Prof. Rick Benitez, Assoc. Prof. John Grumley
Examiners: Prof. Paul Woodruff (Texas), Dr. Frisbee Sheffield (Cambridge)2003-2006 The University of Sydney
BA (Hons I) in Philosophy, minor in Linguistics
Honours Thesis Title: Art as Process: On Definitions of Art
(in progress), ‘Immortality, Memory, and the Extended Self in Plato’s Symposium’.
Edited Volumes
(under consideration) with Andrea Capra and Sarah Miles, The Draw of Thaleia: Plato’s Critiques, Appropriations, and Transformations of Greek Comedy, Cambridge University Press (accepted for consideration for Classics list 5/8/2020).
with George Gazis 2021, Aspects of Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Greece, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
(forthcoming), 'Aristophanes' Hiccups and Pausanias' Sophistry in Plato's Symposium', Arethusa, (accepted 14/12/2016).
2015, 'Scaling the Ladder: Why the Final Step of the Lover's Ascent is a Generalising Step', Plato Journal: The Journal of the International Plato Society, Vol. 15, pp. 95-106. http://impactum-journals.uc.pt/index.php/platojournal/issue/view/159/showToc
2013, 'The Greatest Hop of All: Aristophanes on Mortal Nature in Plato's Symposium', Classical Quarterly, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 567-79. http://journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S000938813000104
2013, 'The Memory of Virtue: Achieving Immortality in Plato's Symposium', Classical Quarterly, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 543-57. http://journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S0009838813000086
2010, 'The Philosopher's Stories: The Role of Myth in Plato's Pedagogy', European Legacy, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 843-53.
Book Chapters
2021, 'Renovating the House of Hades: Cult Extensions and Socratic Reconstructions', in Aspects of Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Greece, eds George Gazis and Anthony Hooper, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, pp. 153-70.
2021, 'Introduction', in Aspects of Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Greece, eds George Gazis and Anthony Hooper, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, pp. 1-9.
2020, 'The Afterlife in Homer', The Cambridge Guide to Homer, ed Corrine Pache et al, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 287-92.
2016, 'Extensions for the House of Hades', in Reflections on Plato's Poetics: Essays from Beijing, eds Rick Benitez and Keping Wang, Australia, Academic Printing and Publishing, pp. 55-63.
2012, 'The Dual-Role Philosophers: An Exploration of a Failed Relationship', in Alcibiades and the Socratic Lover-Educator, eds Marguerite Johnson and Harold Tarrant, London, Bristol Classical Press, pp. 107-18.
(forthcoming), ‘Review: C. Harte and R. Woolf, Reading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows’, Journal of Hellenic Studies, (contracted 02/02/2021).
2021, ‘Review: J. Fischer, Death, Immortality, and Meaning in Life’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 99, No. 3, p. 628.
2018, 'Review: P. Destrée and P. Giannopoulou, Plato's Symposium: A Critical Guide', Classical Review, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 356-59.
2017, 'Review: S. Weisser and N. Thaler, Strategies of Polemics in Greek and Roman Philosophy', Classical Review, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 538-41.
2012, 'Review: Plato's Symposium', Prudentia. https://cdn.auckland.ac.nz/assets/arts/Departments/classics-ancient/documents-publications/Prudentia/Hooper%20on%20Cooksey.pdf
2011, 'Review: George Rudebusch, Socrates', International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 119-24.
2009, 'Review: Jane Johnson, An Idealist Justification of Punishment', Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy, Vol. 34, pp. 262-65.
Works in progress
'No Short Cut to Wisdom: Suicide in Plato's Phaedo' (draft article)
'Shooting off Riddles: Theodorus on the Heraclitean part in Plato's Theaetetus' (draft article)
'Raising the Dead: The Eschatology of Heraclitus B.36' (draft article)
Course Co-ordinating
Classics of the Middle Ages (2021-22) - University of Wollongong (UoW)
Classics of Ancient Rome (2020-22) - UoW
Classics of Ancient Greece (2020-22) - UoW
Hellenistic Philosophy (2015) - University of Sydney (USYD)
Philosophy of Happiness (2015-16) - USYD
The Classical Mind (2011-14) - USYD
Greek Philosophy (2013) - UoW
The Presocratic Philosophers (2012) - USYD
Classics of the Middle Ages (2021-22) - UoW
Classics of Ancient Rome (2020-22) - UoW
Classics of Ancient Greece (2020-22) - UoW
Wisdom, Truth, and Reason (2020-22) - UoW
Early Greek Philosophy (2016-17) - Durham University
Philosophy of Happiness (2015-16) - USYD
Hellenistic Philosophy (2015) - USYD
The Classical Mind (2010-14)
Greek Philosophy (2013) - UoW
The Presocratic Philosophers (2012) - USYD
Science and Ethics (2008) - USYD
Bioethics (2008) - USYD
Classics of the Middle Ages (2021-22) - UoW
Classics of Ancient Rome (2020-22) - UoW
Classics of Ancient Greece (2020-22) - UoW
Early Greek Philosophy (2016-17) - Durham University
Philosophy and Psychiatry (2016) - USYD
Philosophy of Happiness (2014-16) - USYD
Hellenistic Philosophy (2015) - USYD
The Classical Mind (2010-14)
Greek Philosophy (2013) - UoW
The Presocratic Philosophers (2012)
Ethics (2009) - University of Notre Dame, Sydney
Society, Knowledge, and Self (2009) - USYD
Reality, Ethics, and Beauty (2008) - USYD
Science and Ethics (2008) - USYD
Bioethics (2008) - USYD
Conferences Organised
with Assoc. Prof. Andrea Capra, Assoc. Prof. Sarah Miles, and Dr. George Gazis, Plato on Comedy: International Conference, Durham University, 6th-7th July 2019, Keynote Speaker: Prof. Kathryn Morgan.
with Assoc. Prof. Andrea Capra, Assoc. prof. Sarah Miles, and Dr. George Gazis, Plato on Comedy: An International Workshop, 30th-31st March 2019.
with Dr. George Gazis, Aspects of Death and the Afterlife in Greece and Beyond, Durham University, 7th-9th July 2017. Keynote Speakers: Prof. Radcliffe Edmonds III and Prof. Douglas Davies.
Selected conference Papers and Presentations
2022, ‘Plato and Chill? Loving Well to Think Well in Plato’s Symposim’, Epistemic Virtue from the Ancient to Early Modern Period, University of Sydney, 20th-21st April.
2022, ‘Erotic Androgyny and the Priority of the Feminine in Plato’s Symposium’, Critical Antiquities Workshop, Online, 24th March.
2022, ‘The Beautiful as the Appearance of the Good in Plato’s Symposium’, Australasian Society for Classical Studies 43rd Annual Conference, University of Tasmania (Online), 8th-11th Feruary.
2022, ‘The Bold ARE the Beautiful: Beauty and Ethical Value in Ancient Greece’, Stanton Library Philosophy Group, Stanton Library Sydney, 3rd February.
2021, ‘Erotic Androgyny and the Priority of the Feminine in Plato’s Symposium’, The Australasian Society for Classical Studies 42nd Annual Conference, Online, 8th-11th February.
2020, ‘The Virtues of Solitude: An Ancient Perspective’, World Philosophy Day - Stanton Library Philosophy Group, Sydney, 19th November.
2019, ‘Aristotle’s Ingredients for the Good Life’, World Philosophy Day - Stanton Library Philosophy Group, Sydney, 21st November.
2019, ‘Reconstructing Plato’s Comic Worldview’, Plato on Comedy: International Conference, Durham University, 6th-7th July.
2017, 'No Short Cut to Wisdom: Suicide in Plato's Phaedo', 12th International Conference on Greek Research, Flinders University, 23rd-24th June.
2016, 'My, How Death Becomes You! or Cultivation, Death, and Immortality in Plato's Symposium', In Pursuit of Wisdom: Ancient Chinese and Greek Perspectives on Cultivation, University of New South Wales, 15th-18th January.
2015, 'Aristophanes' Hiccups and Pausanias' Sophistry in Plato's Symposium', 11th International Conference on Greek Research, Flinders University, 26th-28th June.
2014, 'The Fragments of Heraclitus: Dynamic Wisdom and the Good Life', The Pursuit of Wisdom: Ancient Greek and Chinese Philosophy and Literature, University of New South Wales, 27th-28th November.
2013, 'Scaling the Ladder: Why the Final Step of the Lover's Ascent is a Generalizing Step', International Plato Society X Symposium Platonicum: Symposium, Pisa, Italy, 15th-20th July.
2012, 'Navigating the Depths: Dynamic Wisdom and the Flux of Thought in Heraclitus', The Australasian Society for Classical Studies 33rd Annual Conference, Monash University, 5th-9th February.
2011, 'Immortal Virtue: Inspiration and Memory in Plato's Symposium', Inspired Voices Research Cluster, University of Sydney, 27th October.
2011, 'Seminar Series: Empedocles' Purifications', Inspired Voices Research Cluster, University of Sydney, 9th June-28th July.
2011, 'Scaling the Ladder: Plato on Eros in the Symposium', Blackheath Philosophy Forum, Blackheath, 28th May.
2011, 'Immortal Fame: Plato on Immortality in the Symposium', Postgraduate Philosophers' Seminar, University of Sydney, 7th March.
2011, 'Seminar Series: Heraclitus on Immortality', Inspired Voices Research Cluster, University of Sydney, 8th-22nd February.
2011, 'The Greatest Hop of All: Aristophanes on Mortal Nature in Plato's Symposium', The Australasian Association of Philosophy Annual Conference, University of Aukland, 24th-27th January.
2010, 'The Memory of Virtue: Achieving Immortality through Inspiration in Plato's Symposium', The Australasian Association of Philosophy Annual Conference, University of New South Wales, 4th-9th July.
2010, 'The Aesthetic Element of Ethical Behaviour in Sergio Leone's For a Few Dollars More', Russellian Society, University of Sydney, 13th May.
2009, 'The Philosopher's Stories: The Role of Myth in Plato's Pedagogy, The Australasian Postgraduate Annual Conference, Macquarie University, 15th-17th April.
2008, 'The Dual-Role Philosophers: A Mutual Relationship of becoming-towards-Being', Socrates, Alcibiades, and the Divine Lover& Educator, University of Newcastle, 4th-6th December.
2007, 'An Examination of Categories and Claims in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit', Kantian and Post-Kantian Interest Group, University of Sydney, 4th October.
Scholarships and Awards
2013 Excellence in Teaching (Practice) Award, Faculty of Arts, University of Sydney
2013 Postgraduate Research Support Scheme Award, Faculty of Arts, University of Sydney
2015, 2012 x2 Lucy Firth Prize for Meritorious Performance, Department of Philosophy, University of
2011, 2010 Sydney2011-14 Australian Postgraduate Award, Commonwealth Government of Australia
Administrative Roles
2020-present Head of Students
School of Liberal Arts, University of Wollongong
2020-present Shadow Academic Programme Director
School of Liberal Arts, University of Wollongong
Other Administrative Activities
2012, Research Assistant and Manuscript Editor for Assoc. Prof. Julia Kindt for her project:
Rethinking Greek Religion, Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of
Sydney2011-13, Administrative Assistant for the Inspired Voices Research Cluster, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences Collaborative Research Scheme, University of Sydney2010, Research Assistant and Manuscript Editor for De. Sebastiana Nervegna for her project:
Menander in Antiquity: The Contexts of Reception, Department of Classics and Ancient
History, University of Sydney
Journal Referee
The Classical Review (Cambridge)
Antithesis (University of Melbourne)
Antichthon (Journal of the Australasian Association of Philosophy)
The Australasian Association of Philosophy
The Australasian Society for Classical Studies
The International Plato Society
The Classical Association (UK)
Academic referees
Prof. Dan Hutto
School of Liberal Arts (Director)
University of Wollongong
Prof. Rick Benitez
Department of Philosophy
University of Sydney
Rick.Benitez@sydney.edu.auProf. Christopher Rowe
Department of Classics and Ancient History (Emeritus)
Durham University
c.j.rowe@durham.ac.ukProf. Kathryn Morgan
Department of Classics
Prof. George Boys-Stones
Department of ClassicsUniversity of Toronto
Prof. Julia Kindt
Department of Classics and Ancient History
University of Sydney